Having the world’s 17th largest economy, with a population of 80 million, Turkey provides great income opportunities for investors with a 1.9% insurance penetration rate. With the regulations made in September 2017, all insurance activities, including Islamic insurance, can be carried out in Turkey. As BaFin, we offer comprehensive consultancy services to new investors and operating companies.
The services we offer in this context;
- Information on the general situation of the Turkish economy
- Information on the general situation of the Turkish insurance sector
- Possible opportunities and threats in the insurance industry
- Necessary capital and stages for the establishment of the company
- Development of branches by years (increase, decrease, profit, loss)
- Information on Islamic insurance legislation
- Technical provisions
- Capital adequacy
- Risk management
- Bancassurance
- Evaluation of technical provisions
- Preparation of tables submitted to the Undersecretariat of Treasury
- Evaluation of bancassurance products in terms of banking and insurance legislation
- Actuarial consultancy
- Insurance accounting