Our Financial Accounting Consultancy and Training Services
We don’t want you to get lost in the complex IFRS rules. Nor do we want you to pour huge sums of money into big, foreign companies. We would like to offer the following services to you, our valued customers, with our expert and experienced staff.
- Analyzing the impact of IFRS/TFRS changes on financial statements
- Preparation and transformation of financial statements in accordance with TFRS
- Establishment and development of in-house financial accounting processes and procedures
- Organizing general and company-specific TFRS applied trainings
- Providing TMS/TFRS compliance services for family businesses and SMEs
- Accounting for complex accounting transactions in accordance with IFRS
- Valuation services
- Accounting and modeling of financial instruments
- Impairment tests
- Severance pay and leave provisions
- Calculation and provisioning services for other long-term provisions
- Education services